Sundays | check-in starts at 9.50 am
We provide a safe, nurturing and fun environment for children to discover more about God and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
year old's
Parenting Room:
For parents/primary caregivers with children 0-3 years we offer a space upstairs behind the main hall. The service is streamed into the room and there are change facilities, toys and other resources in the room.
year old's
Welcome and check in.
Praise & Worship - with singing, dancing and musical instruments.
Lesson - bible story and message.
Prayer - talking to God with thanksgiving
Play Time - free play inside and outside on play equipment (weather permitting).
year old's
Welcome and check in.
Praise & Worship - with singing, dancing and musical instruments.
Lesson - bible story, video, and discussion.
Game or Object lesson - to illustrate the message of the lesson.
Prayer - responding to God through thanksgiving and requests.
Play Time - free play using the outside play equipment (weather permitting).
10-12 year old's
This age group's curriculum is currently under construction. We'd like to invite any kids of this age group to join us in the main services, until we can re-open this age group with some exciting teaching and activities .
Child Protection Policy
Sydney Life Church is a non-profit Christian organisation providing church services, religious education and community events.
Our goal is to create engaging and fun services that provide children with an appreciation and understanding of their Christian faith. We will ensure that special care will always be given to protect children and teens from any injustice or abuse of any type, whilst they attend any service or event at Sydney Life Church. These abuses include physical abuse, emotional / mental abuse, neglect or sexual abuse.
It is Sydney Life Church’s responsibility to uphold the rights of children as stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC 1989), as we believe that protecting the most vulnerable is crucial to the faith we adhere to as Christians and should also be the essence of proper conduct for every human being. We believe that any form of child abuse (sexual/physical/emotional) is unacceptable under any circumstance.
To Read in full our Child Protection Policy please click on the below link.
We value children highly at SLC, knowing they hold a special place in the heart of God (Matthew 19:14, Isaiah 40:11). The curriculum we have developed uses engaging and age-appropriate content to reveal the wonders of our glorious Lord and provides a space for children to respond to Him.
Our core desire and prayer for each child is Ephesians 3:16-20:
“that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith. And they, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
More information
If you have any questions about SLC Kids, please contact us, we'd love to hear from you.
Joanne Peters - Children and Young Families Pastor.